Welcome to your socialstratificationpart2
Q 1.) Who among the following mentions two features characterizing the institution of caste in the Third century B.C ?
Q 2.) Who gave this statement "two elements of caste system are there is no intermarriage' and there can be no change in profession?
Q 3.) The society is divided into various castes with a well-developed life of their own, the membership of which is determined by the consideration of ?
Q 4.) Which of the following gets changed, when their is no amount of wealth and no amount of penance or prayer?
Q 5.) Eastern civilization the chief determinant of a 'class' and 'status' was?
Q 6.)" In the Western civilization of today wealth is a class determinant of equal or put up greate, importance, and wealth is less rigid determinant than birth" who made this statement?
Q 7.Who said this " Caste system has no basis in Hindu Religion"?
Q 8.) A definite scheme of social precedence is the feature of?
Q 9.) According to whom " Brahmins are considered as the Lord of whole creation"?
Q 10.) A member of the first three varnas must not travel in the company of_______ in ancient india?
Q 11.) "If he violates a brahmin female, shall be burnt to death"who said this sudra
Q 12.) The three classes, Brahmin, Kshatriya and_______ are frequently mentioned in the Rig Veda